Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been wonderful seeing the children put into action their intellectual virtue of ‘critical thinking’ this week when I have been in different classes across the school. Children are starting to make connections with how they use these skills to ensure a greater depth of understanding and an ability to make connections with prior learning. Critical thinking enables children to embed learning into their long term memory as they are having to use higher order thinking skills, problem solve, link ideas and reason why.

Supporting my Child’s Writing

Across KS2 the teachers have been sharing and sending home final pieces of writing and a copy of the expected standard in writing alongside the success criteria. We have done this to support parents to understand the types of writing and expectation of writing across different year groups. We also want you to be part of the progress and journey of your child as a writer so you can support your child at home too. We hope you enjoy and celebrate your child’s writing. Please continue to encourage writing at home in lots of different ways. We will continue to share some top tips on how you can do this!


This Week

  Children across the school have been celebrating and exploring Chinese New Year. They have created some amazing artwork as they explore this theme. Take a look at Year 1’s amazing collaborative piece of artwork - a wonderful dragon and Year 6 have been creating beautiful lanterns and Chinese-inspired water colours - pictures are below.

 Happy Chinese New Year everyone!



Next Week

Year 1 and 2 have their class trip to Quince Honey Farm and we have the whole school Devon Science experience where the children will take part in the Chemistry Lab Adventures Science Show and then classes will take part in a range of chemistry experiments and potion making! It is also Children’s Mental Health week and the theme this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. We will be exploring this theme throughout the week in classes.

Thank you for your continued support,


Warm Regards

Mrs Gail Holmes

Whole school attendance this academic year: 90.9% (National Average is 94.5%)
Reception 89.3%
Year 1 92.6%
Year 2 94.7%
Year 3 93.8%
Year 4 90.9%
Year 5 94.7%
Year 6 94.5%

Thank you to all parents and carers who call the school absence line before 8.30am - it really helps us to know ahead of the school day whether to expect your child in class. Please remember to report all absences and again each morning for additional days that your child is absent. Any planned absences can be recorded ahead of time - please contact the school office for an Absence Request form (S2).

After School Clubs
Monday Forest School Club - KS1 4.15 finish

Art Club - EYFS/KS1 4.15 finish

Dance Club - KS1 4.15 finish

Tuesday Art Club - Y 5&6 4.30 finish

Netball Club - KS2 4.15 finish

Wednesday Ukulele Orchestra ( Starting 26th Feb - see poster below)
Thursday Football Club - KS2 4.30 finish
Friday No clubs

4th February - PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting

6th February - Science Day for all year groups with Devon Science

7th February - PTFA cake sale after school

10th - 13th February - SEND Parent meetings & Parent Consultation Week 1

10th-13th February - Year 4 Residential to Bristol

14th February - non-pupil day


24th February - start of Spring Term 2

24th Feb - 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Week 2

27th February - Woolacombe School’s World Book Day! (Date altered due to Y5&6 residential to France.)

1st-5th March - Year 5 and 6 France Residential

10th March - Whole School Space Dome - to kick start British Science and Engineering Week


Please see the school website calendar for further dates.

Congratulations to the following children, who have received Character Recognition Awards for their critical thinking this week:

Jet and Sam - Year 1

Kristian and India - Year 2

Emily and Goldie - Year 3

Ralph and Violet - Year 4

Jools and Fearne - Year 5

Bea and Gwen - Year 6

Netball Friendly Match with Southmead School

On Thursday, two of our netball teams played in an after-school friendly against Southmead school. Both teams played fantastically well and won both their matches.

Congratulations to all the players involved.

PTFA Update

Playground Equipment Update

Please see below the updated designs for the proposed playground equipment we are fundraising for. The PTFA are working tirelessly applying for grants to support the fundraising to install the equipment. Many thanks must go to Jen Steer who has been leading on this with the support of Penny Clark, our PTFA Chair, they have been working hard behind the scenes to increase our fundraising opportunities! Thank you!

Events & PTFA

Extraordinary PTFA meeting - Tuesday 4th Feb 7.30pm.

The meeting is both in person in school or via zoom.

The zoom link for the PTFA meeting next week is below.

Looking forward to seeing you virtually or in person.

PTFA scheduled Zoom meeting link.

Topic: PTFA Zoom meeting

Time: Feb 4, 2025 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 6338 7276

Passcode: 937594

PTFA Update

Barnstaple Library Half Term Programme

Barnstaple Library has an exciting programme of events for the February half term including a theatre performance of Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers, a free classical music concert for children and their grown-ups and their popular breakfast & crafts on the Thursday.


Booking links for the theatre performances at 11am and 1pm:

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