Dear Parents and Carers,
The children have had a brilliant start to the new term. All classes have been working hard across the school and it has been wonderful to see how engaged with their learning they have been.
Children from Year 2 - 6 have completed their Accelerated Reading Star Reader assessments over the last few weeks. Information regarding your child’s progress with these latest assessments will have already or will be sent home to you. It is essential to support your child and ensure they are reading at least 5 times a week and recording this in their contact diary. Mrs Simpson shares lots of information about how your children can be ‘Reading Dragons’ on our whole school dojo information but if you need another reason for why reading is so important, click on the link below. I couldn't have said it any better...
Year 1 have started their new writing unit and have been on the lookout for a dragon! Have you seen it? They have spotted evidence of a dragon around school but do not fear they are writing an information text on how to catch a dragon - they will keep the school safe!
Year 6 held the ‘Razorbill Great British Bake Off’ this week! As part of their home learning task, they had to research recipes, write instructions and then bake some fabulous cakes, pies and biscuits! Please take a look at just a few of their delicious baked creations!
Our Character Virtue focus this week has been Caring. Caring is one of our Moral Virtues and we have been exploring how and why Caring is...
- treating people, living things and delicate object with gentleness (being good stewards of the world)
- giving attention to someone who is sad (being good stewards of others)
- looking after yourself by keeping yourself clean and healthy (being good stewards of ourselves)
Next week, as part of our focus on caring, our children will be taking part in a range of different activities to support the Plastic Free North Devon Annual Day of Action. (Please see the poster below regarding local community events).Classes across the school and the KS2 School Councillors and Eco Warriors have teamed up together to ensure we are supporting this annual event by taking part in a number of different cleans in the community next week.
Thank you for your continued support,
Warm Regards
Mrs Gail Holmes
Whole school attendance this academic year: | 94.6% (National Average is 94.5%) |
Reception | 89.8% |
Year 1 | 92.7% |
Year 2 | 94.7% |
Year 3 | 94% |
Year 4 | 91% |
Year 5 | 94.6% |
Year 6 | 94.5% |
Please can we remind all parents and carers to call the school absence line before 8.30am to report all absences and again each morning for additional days that your child is absent.
All after school clubs will begin next week (13th January). | |
Monday | Forest School Club - KS1 4.15 finish
Art Club - EYFS/KS1 4.15 finish Dance Club - KS1 4.15 finish |
Tuesday | Art Club - Y 5&6 4.30 finish
Netball Club - KS2 4.15 finish |
Wednesday | Ukulele Orchestra ( Starting 26th Feb - see poster below) |
Thursday | Football Club - KS2 4.30 finish |
Friday | No clubs |

23rd January - rescheduled netball friendly with Southmead at Woolacombe 3-4.30pm
4th February - PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting
6th February - Science Day for all year groups with Devon Science
10th - 13th February - SEND Parent meetings & Parent Consultation Week 1
10th-13th February - Year 4 Residential to Bristol
13th February - PTFA After School Disco - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 3.30pm-4.30pm - KS2 (Yr 3,4,5 and 6) 5-6pm
14th February - non-pupil day
24th February - start of Spring Term 2
24th Feb - 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Week 2
27th February - Woolacombe School’s World Book Day! (Date altered due to Y5&6 residential to France.)
1st-5th March - Year 5 and 6 France Residential
10th March - Whole School Space Dome - to kick start British Science and Engineering Week
Please see the school website calendar for further dates.

Congratulations to the following children, who have received Character Recognition Awards for their helpfulness this week:
Ben and Rufus - Year 1
Felix and Meredith - Year 2
Luca and Beau - Year 3
Bella and Summer - Year 4
Lani and Isla - Year 5
Charlie and Morgan - Year 6

We had two teams of football players - U9 and U11s - playing against Southmead school this week. Both teams won their matches! See the photo of the triumphant U11 team below. A huge well done to all the players!

Ebe in Year 5 has received a trophy from her Pony Club for endurance and resilience with fantastic performance throughout the year. Congratulations, Ebe!

Congratulations to Tom in Year 5 who has achieved his Grade 3 Level 1 electric guitar music exam with merit!
Events & PTFA
Our PTFA have joined forces with Stikins name labels so we get 30% commission on every order! These are perfect for all the upcoming school trips and stick to clothes, shoes, lunchboxes and water bottles. We’ve tested them out and they are great quality.
Order using this link, which will automatically add our fundraising number (25902) to make sure we receive the commission:
A leaflet will be going home in children’s bags this week - Happy sticking!
Our PTFA have joined forces with Stikins name labels so we get 30% commission on every order! These are perfect for all the upcoming school trips and stick to clothes, shoes, lunchboxes and water bottles. We’ve tested them out and they are great quality.
Order using this link, which will automatically add our fundraising number (25902) to make sure we receive the commission:
A leaflet will be going home in children’s bags this week - Happy sticking!
Barnstaple Library Half Term Programme
Barnstaple Library has an exciting programme of events for the February half term including a theatre performance of Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers, a free classical music concert for children and their grown-ups and their popular breakfast & crafts on the Thursday.
Booking links for the theatre performances at 11am and 1pm: