Dear Parents and Carers,
The children have been busy putting our Character focus - Caring - into action by being good stewards for our community. They have completed a range of litter picks and beach cleans and have collected approximately 8kg of rubbish from around the village, beach and surrounding areas.
Plastic Free North Devon are running a Mass Community Clean up on Saturday 25.1.25. They want to get as many people as possible outdoors enjoying what nature has to offer and then giving back at the same time by doing a little clean! The Woolacombe Clean is running from 10.30-12.30 - meeting at Mill Rock. (Please see further details below for other cleans)
The Importance of Times Tables Knowledge
Knowing times tables facts is crucially important to your child’s progression in their mathematics education. Without a thorough understanding of multiplication and division facts, children frequently get ‘lost’ when it comes to anything to do with fractions and any multiplication or division with larger numbers. Many mental maths activities also require a quick recall of multiplication and division facts. Children who are secure in their times tables knowledge are able to get to grips with trickier tasks straight away and are far more successful. It is worth explaining what we mean by ‘knowing’ times tables. A child who knows their times tables will be able to recall any of the multiples of a times table out of order within 3 seconds, as well as knowing the corresponding division facts i.e. 4 x 6 = 24 as well as 24 ÷ 6 = 4. Learning multiplication facts and tables are most effective when there is collaboration with school, parents and children.
In school we regularly spend time learning times tables, but a child will be much more successful if they practise outside school independently and alongside parents.
This Week
As part of their Literacy learning the Reception class children have been exploring traditional tales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They have been making porridge and testing it to check that it is not too hot, or too cold but just right!
Sea Stars have been exploring the Chinese New Year. In our role play area we have a Chinese restaurant, with noodles and chopsticks 🥢. They are starting to talk about Chinese New and the story ‘The Great Race’.
Over the next few weeks the children will be focusing on intellectual virtue - Critical Thinking. This virtue really supports our children to build learning skills. We will be supporting children to understand how they can ‘live out’ their virtue throughout their learning so it becomes embedded as an essential learning skill.
Thank you for your continued support,
Warm Regards
Mrs Gail Holmes
Whole school attendance this academic year: | 93.7% (National Average is 94.5%) |
Reception | 89.3% |
Year 1 | 92.9% |
Year 2 | 94.6% |
Year 3 | 93.9% |
Year 4 | 90.9% |
Year 5 | 94.9% |
Year 6 | 94.5% |
Please can we remind all parents and carers to call the school absence line before 8.30am to report all absences and again each morning for additional days that your child is absent.
All after school clubs will begin next week (13th January). | |
Monday | Forest School Club - KS1 4.15 finish
Art Club - EYFS/KS1 4.15 finish Dance Club - KS1 4.15 finish |
Tuesday | Art Club - Y 5&6 4.30 finish
Netball Club - KS2 4.15 finish |
Wednesday | Ukulele Orchestra ( Starting 26th Feb - see poster below) |
Thursday | Football Club - KS2 4.30 finish |
Friday | No clubs |

30th January - rescheduled netball friendly with Southmead at Woolacombe 3-4.30pm
4th February - PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting
6th February - Science Day for all year groups with Devon Science
10th - 13th February - SEND Parent meetings & Parent Consultation Week 1
10th-13th February - Year 4 Residential to Bristol
13th February - PTFA After School Disco - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 3.30pm-4.30pm - KS2 (Yr 3,4,5 and 6) 5-6pm
14th February - non-pupil day
24th February - start of Spring Term 2
24th Feb - 28th Feb - Parent Consultation Week 2
27th February - Woolacombe School’s World Book Day! (Date altered due to Y5&6 residential to France.)
1st-5th March - Year 5 and 6 France Residential
10th March - Whole School Space Dome - to kick start British Science and Engineering Week
Please see the school website calendar for further dates.

Congratulations to the following children, who have received Character Recognition Awards for their kindness and caring this week:
Rae and Layla- Year 1
Summer and Harry - Year 2
Oscar and Matilda - Year 3
Kit and Ursula - Year 4
Zephyr and Reggie - Year 5
Robin and Matilda - Year 6
The competition is run by the BBC every year and the prize is a trip to Buckingham Palace and a chance to have your story published and illustrated!
We had 5 children from our school who were selected out of tens of thousands of entries to go through to the first round.
They were:
Tom in Year 5 with his story Ernest and Puck's Intergalactic Adventure
Ernest in Year 5 with his story Lucha Libre Cat
Cassian in Year 1 with his story Henry and The Volcano
Victoria in Year 3 with her story Lauren and the Dragon.
A huge well done to these children for putting in the hard work to make their entries the best they could be! We now await an email from the BBC to see if any of our writers have made the shortlist.
Events & PTFA
Barnstaple Library Half Term Programme
Barnstaple Library has an exciting programme of events for the February half term including a theatre performance of Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers, a free classical music concert for children and their grown-ups and their popular breakfast & crafts on the Thursday.
Booking links for the theatre performances at 11am and 1pm:
Barnstaple Library Half Term Programme
Barnstaple Library has an exciting programme of events for the February half term including a theatre performance of Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers, a free classical music concert for children and their grown-ups and their popular breakfast & crafts on the Thursday.
Booking links for the theatre performances at 11am and 1pm: