Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had an amazing half term! The children had a wonderful first half of term with lots of fantastic learning opportunities and experiences delivered through our C360 curriculum.
Inspiring Change makers
As whole school community you have all been inspiring
changemakers! Thank you so very much for your
amazingly kind and generous donations to the Ilfracombe
Food Bank Harvest appeal. We collected over 3.5 tons of
food for the food bank, which equates to nearly 300
meals. Thank you so much!
A huge thank you also goes to Pete Starbuck who kindly gave up his
time to host an awesome School Disco to raise money for a well
deserved local Charity ‘Over and Above. We raised £403.50 and it
was wonderful to see all the children thoroughly enjoying themselves!
The charity was requested by one of our Year 6 children, Flo Reader,
who is an inspiring changemaker. She wanted to make a positive
difference by fundraising for this much needed local charity. Well done
Newsletter 31.10.22Download HERE