Blended learning offer

The aim of remote teaching is to offer children at home the same experience as children at school. Our aim is to implement a ‘blended learning’ approach with  teachers in school using google classroom as our platform to interact with children working from home.

Expectation for the teachers

 Work set each day  

  • Spelling/Grammar/Phonics
  • Maths
  • English
  • Reading activity
  • Topic/Foundation subject activity



Teachers Blended Learning/Online expectations.

  • One daily meet each day - timetabled across the school so this doesn’t clash with other year groups.
  • Video recordings of teacher input in the classroom to support remote learning.  We could build to this being a live session over time but mainly a recording of your input and then posted on the classroom page.The aim of the ‘taught’ video activities is to provide the teacher input to allow children/parents at home the opportunity to also be taught and for the majority of children to get on with the independent practice.
  • Reflection session - a daily optional time for parents for feedback/questions if needed (this doesn’t have to be a live google meet but can just be a time when you are available to respond to questions ‘live’ online)

Expectation from children/parents at home

  • To engage with the remote learning daily
  • Work only to be submitted through google classroom not via email
  • To submit a response to a Literacy task and Maths task 3 times per week through google classroom, as guided by the teacher.
  • To submit a response to a topic/foundation topic task at least twice per week through google classroom, as guided by the teacher.
  • To continue to fill in an online reading diary daily through google classroom
  • Teachers will only be available to respond to online learning between 9.00-3.00pm - during normal contact classroom hours. If teachers wish to use their directed time to respond to learning this is fine but it will not be an expectation for parents that teachers will be available to respond to learning outside of 9-3pm.

Blended Learning Day

Teacher video - welcome This can be live google meet or recorded but needs to set out the timetable for the day and give feedback from the previous day.
Phonics / spelling Live or recorded phonics/decision spelling sessions delivered by the teacher.

Links and task posted on classroom.

Writing ONE aspect of writing per day which follows our writing sequence. This is heavily modified but will develop writing along the lines of the planned sequence but likely to be a mini sequence within the week. Teacher input to class in school could be recorded and posted to ensure modelling specific aspects of the writing sequence to be supported at home.

Links and task posted on classroom.

Reading One Group Reading session set each day in line with normal guided/group reading practice. 

Links and work posted


Individual readers - LSA’s to have time to read with individual daily/priority children throughout the week. 

Use of Oxford Reading Owls or a system of book change over/pick up days for our levelled readers to be arranged by classes.

Maths Use of White Rose Maths videos for parents.

The teacher can support modelling the learning live to the class and then post a ‘taught’ video recording if more support is needed on top of the White Rose videos.

Links and work posted.

Love Reading Story
Teachers/LSA’s to read to the children live by meet or pre-recorded and then post.
Topic work linked with the whole school/year group topic. Activities are independent tasks allowing children to get on with as little adult intervention as possible.
Class meet/class Assembly
A daily google ‘catch up’ meet to have eyes on the children. This is used to develop the character work and build the class community.


Reflection session

A time during the day when the teacher is online to answer questions from the children or the parents. This is optional for the parents. It is usually before lunch or before hometime. This isn’t a meet but a time when you will be online to respond to questions live and a set time each day.
Executive Head Teacher

Weekly Introduction and Celebration Assembly

The Executive Head Teacher to have an open session for any children and parents to attend for a chat each week.


Executive Headteacher to post a weekly introduction assembly at the beginning of the week and a weekly celebration assembly at the end of the week. Teachers to share children's work to be celebrated at the end of the week but the focus will be linked to the character virtue focus each week.



Deliberative Practice outside the school day/sessionse


The teachers will set OPTIONAL deliberative practice for the children to do in between learning sessions and outside of the school day.

 For example - 

Writing resilience - 10-20 mins copy writing

Times Tables / Number bonds

Handwriting practice



Feedback Can be by commenting on work or by making notes on all work and feeding back as a group in your daily meets. Teachers must build value and connection with the children online and work around what works in terms of feedback to children as per age of cohort.
SEND  Individual learning plans/packs need to be created for SEND children linked to their ‘my plans’. This is to ensure they can engage with the remote learning but are also given additional support for their needs as this is an entitlement for these children due to their identified SEND needs.
The teachers day
The aim in this blended learning model is that the teacher should be able to operate as normal. They deliver the teaching and then the TA takes over as the parent would in the home (where a TA is available). This frees up the teacher to attend to questions and interact online. 


The afternoon is designed to be very hands off. The teacher delivers the topic work which is a task that the children can get on with independently at home and school. The teacher can spend time responding to work and planning the next sessions and providing the following days resources for the parents who want to be ‘printed’ and ready to go.


A very short feedback meeting with all staff at the end of the day on a Tuesday to refine the process and for the AHT/EHT to feedback from comments.


Helping parents
Video ‘help’ sessions can be shared with parents and also directed to Nigel Martin at Woolacombe to support with online tech help.
